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Paulie Garand AMONIT® Album Concept 2022


Paulie Garand


Graphic design


The whole concept reflects the very idea of the Amonit, delving into one's own inner self to explore and find oneself, which we reflected by creating a sculpture that is curved and delves into itself to create a perfect curvature in which the image itself is blurred. This was our main idea in creating the title photograph.

The ammonite was meant to signify something transcendent for us, and we have succeeded, the individual prints, which resemble a silvered prehistoric stone artefact, reflect light around the room when a ray of sunlight hits them, and indeed the whole universe pours into the room, as you can see in the next photograph.
We wanted to record everything on analogue material and we did that. Included with the cover and sleeve will be a documentary that describes the making of the album and introduces those who worked on it.

We thank the @jaroslav_bejvl & @tomas.bejvl glass studio and @sklarnajilek glassworks for their support and perfect production processes.

What we really enjoy are the comments of fans who can best describe their own feeling about the new Album.

„I like to take care of all the details, so even the design of the carrier got its care .We left the disc itself bare to serve as a mirror like Amonite. The booklet is full of photos of the process of making the album with information about the people involved. For the visuals we would like to thanks to Benjamin Buttler & Anastasia Shanti from BS22

Paulie Garand –  AMONIT 2022


Paulie Garand


Graphic design


Production BS22™

Director: Benjamin Buttler
1AD: Anastasia Shanti
DOP: Benjamin Buttler / Anastasia Shanti
Sound Design & Mix: Ondřej Šorfa
Music: Paulie Garand & Milan Andre Boronell
Photographer: Benjamin Buttler & Anastasia Shanti
Edit: Sebastian kučkovsky
Graphic design: Benjamin Buttler

Special Thanks:

Michal králíček
Česká Televize
Ondřej Shorfa
Sklárna Jílek
Bejvl Studio

And others <3